Important!! Hiilangaay  Hydroelectric Plant Update

Annual Shareholder Update


Please visit the site and update your information.

The 2022 annual meeting will be held in Ketchikan, Alaska on December 10, 2022 at 1:00pm.

The meeting will be held at the:

Saxman Community Center

2841 South Tongass Highway

Ketchikan, Alaska

If you have questions concerning  your shares, or your testamentary, please call Haida Corporation at (907) 285-3721. Our office staff will be happy to help you.


Haida Corporation has completed the audits of the 2019 financial statements which includes audit of the Shareholder Trust and Elder Trust financial statements.  The financial statements are mailed to each shareholder with the Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy form.

The Haida Corporation board of directors reviewed the 2019 Settlement Trust and Elders Trust financial statements, and evaluated the performance of TIAA, the financial managers for our Trusts and funds.  The consistent performance of our portfolio provided the board assurance that fiduciary responsibility of evaluation and review of the Shareholder and Elder Trust assets was met.  We will continue to monitor our investments in order to achieve the best returns on our funds.

On October 26, 2020, Haida Energy was notified by AP&T, the Contractor, that Mechanical Completion was achieved.  All construction of the project was substantially completed on December 18, 2020.

Testing at the facility has been completed, and the facility demonstrated it performs in accordance with laws and government approvals. All documents, specifications, test data, financial reports, operations and maintenance manual, and associated technical documents have been provided to Haida Energy by the Contractor.

Read more about the project. Click here Haida Energy

Spillway - 2020

Tailrace area - 2020

Haida Corporation Financials

HAIDA Corporation